This Breath Freshener & Digestive Solution curtails emissions from both ends! Digestive enzymes help prevent gas while peppermint and fennel help eliminate bad breath. 7.6 oz.
Key Ingredients
Fennel Extract -Strengthens the digestion, freshens the breath, reduces gas and relieves lower abdominal pain. Dogs love the taste!
Dill Extract- Soothes the stomach while helping to expel intestinal gas.
Parsley Extract- Expels intestinal gas while improving bad breath.
Ginger Extract- Settles the stomach and reduces gas by improving digestion.
Grapefruit Seed Extract- An excellent treatment for chronic intestinal infections, gas, bloating and pain.
internal tissues and is helpful in digestive disorders.
Peppermint & Spearmint essential oils- Improve bad breath and aids in digestion
BROMELAIN- an herbal compound of digestive-enhancing enzymes derived from the stems of pineapple.